
You have following possibilities to contact us:
E-Mail info@eggersmann.info
Post Heinrich Eggersmann
Futtermittelwerke GmbH
Bruchweg 11
32699 Extertal
FAX 05751 / 1793-19
for order 0800 / 1 79 3-280 (for free!)
Telefon Disposition Do you want to know when you receive or pick up your products?

0 57 51 / 1 79 3-39 or
0 57 51 / 1 79 3-23

advice More information about our feed and advice:
Andrea Everding
technical contact edv@eggersmann.info


Heinrich Eggersmann
Futtermittelwerke GmbH
Bruchweg 11
32699 Extertal


Tel: 0 57 51 / 1 79 3-0
Fax: 0 57 51 / 1 79 3-19
E-Mail: info@eggersmann.info

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