Carnebello Beef&Potato
Dog Food
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Grain-free dry food for adult dogs with low to normal activity levels.

Our Eggersmann Carnebello dry food "Beef & Potato" is a tasty complete food with a 70% share of animal protein. It is suitable for all adult dogs that need a high-quality grain-free diet. The use of cereals and soya is deliberately avoided in order to generate a species-appropriate diet for the dog.

The use of inactive brewer's yeast can support the dog's entire digestive tract through its prebiotic effect. The minerals, trace elements, vitamins and fibre contained in the yeast can have a positive effect on the dog's skin and coat, as well as ensuring strengthened defences.
The use of a selected herbal mixture consisting of nettle, chamomile, fennel and caraway can have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract.
Salmon oil provides essential omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which support digestion and skin and coat metabolism.
Carob groats and linseed are used in this feed to promote digestibility and at the same time serve as a supplier of important vital substances.
Eggersmann Carnebello dry food "Beef & Potato" is characterised by high acceptance and good tolerance and is suitable for all adult dogs with medium and low energy requirements.

The benefits at a glance

  • High percentage of animal protein
  • Beef & poultry as animal protein sources
  • Grain free
  • Prebiotic brewer's yeast, salmon oil and linseed aid digestion
  • Targeted support for skin and hair

Metabolizable energy (MJ ME): 15,5 MJ ME/kg

Poultry protein15,0 %
Bohnenmehl (Vicia faba)
Rinderprotein, getrocknet8,0 %
Beet fibre (desugared)
Johannisbrotschrot, getr.
Fish meal
Salmon oil1,5 %
Lenmag1,0 %
Geflügelleber, hydrolysiert
hőkezelt szójadara
Kräuter, getrocknet
Yucca schidigera0,2 %
nyers-fehérje24,00 %
Nyers-zsiradék14,00 %
nyers-hamu6,80 %
nyers-rost2,50 %
nedvesség10,00 %
kálcium1,30 %
foszfor0,90 %
nátrium0,30 %
A vitamin NA13.000,00 I.E.
D3 vitamin NA1.300,00 I.E.
E vitamin NA130,00 mg
Taurin NA500,00 mg
Réz NA12,50 mg
Vas NA200,00 mg
Mangán NA40,00 mg
Cink NA125,00 mg
Jód NA2,00 mg
Szelén (3b801) NA0,05 mg
Tocopherol Extrakt (natürliches Vitamin E) TA48,00 mg

NA = tápértékkel rendelkező adalékanyagok
ZA = állattenyésztés-technológiai adalékanyagok
TA = technológiai adalékanyagok
SA = érzékszervi adalékanyagok
Subject to change


Heinrich Eggersmann
Futtermittelwerke GmbH
Bruchweg 11
32699 Extertal


Tel: 0 57 51 / 1 79 3-0
Fax: 0 57 51 / 1 79 3-19

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