E VET heparOforte Metabolism Complex
Therapy Feed
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Ergänzungsfuttermittel für Pferde

Every day, our horses are exposed to negative external influences that can weaken their body's own defences and put a strain on the liver. These include environmental toxins, harmful substances in the feed, stress caused by sub-optimal husbandry conditions, worm infestations and much more.

In the case of certain equine diseases such as infections, Equine Cushing's Syndrome (ECS) and Equine Metabolic Syndrome (EMS) and laminitis, only a strong liver is able to harmonise the slipped metabolism. It can also be useful to strengthen and support the metabolism during periods of coat change. Indications of liver weaknesses and dysfunctions in the digestive tract are often already evident in stomach problems, diarrhoea and watery stools. The liver is strained when it is confronted with an excess of nutrients due to obesity or with harmful metabolic degradation products during strict diets.

Our E-EVT Metabolism Complex consists of purely natural components. The herbs it contains are all designed to provide comprehensive support for the entire metabolism. In nature, plants containing bitter substances are part of their natural diet. Surprisingly, horses love bitter plant substances. Anyone who has ever watched the devotion with which bitter dandelions are consumed when grazing can easily understand this. Bitter substances keep digestion going and are good for the liver. They increase the appetite and help horses with stomach problems. The continuous intake of bitter herbs promotes the secretion of bile and thus maintains the alkaline environment in the intestine. The regeneration of liver cells is supported by special substances from milk thistle and the metabolisation of fats in the liver is facilitated by bitter substances from the artichoke. The MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) it contains makes the cell membranes more permeable so that important active ingredients and nutrients can be better absorbed. The secondary plant substances from herbs such as milk thistle, artichoke and dandelion in particular stimulate the metabolism and protect the liver cells. The interaction of these phytonutrients in combination with other selected herbs thus supports liver function in a natural way, can help regenerate damaged liver cells and thus significantly support the entire metabolism. In addition, the cold-pressed milk thistle oil has a balancing effect on the metabolism, skin and coat due to its high content of essential fatty acids. Bitter substances can be fed safely all year round. If the quality of hay, straw or grain is poor, silage is fed or the pasture is one-sided, it makes sense to feed bitter herbs to promote the flow of bile and improve the intestinal environment.

The benefits at a glance:

  • Use for metabolic complaints or diseases
  • Selected herbal mixture
  • Supports the metabolic organ liver
  • MSM for better absorption of active ingredients and nutrients
  • Natural composition

g/kg emészthető fehérje: 26,3 g/kg MJ/kg emészthető energia: 17,30 MJ DE/kg Metabolizable energy (MJ ME): 15,5 MJ ME/kg

MSM (methylsulphonylmethane)
Ginko levelek
Galagonya levél
Milk thistle herb
Máriatövis olaj/ Bogáncsolaj
Lucerna zöldliszt
nyers-fehérje3,00 %
Nyers-zsiradék6,70 %
nyers-rost0,80 %
nyers-hamu0,40 %
kálcium0,05 %
foszfor0,03 %
nátrium0,01 %
lizin1,20 %
metionin7,90 %
dl-metionin, - val. tiszta 3c301 NA7.920,00 mg
l-lizin mono-hidroklorid-val. tisztán (3c322) NA11.760,00 mg
Propionic acid (1k280)75,00 mg

NA = tápértékkel rendelkező adalékanyagok
ZA = állattenyésztés-technológiai adalékanyagok
TA = technológiai adalékanyagok
SA = érzékszervi adalékanyagok
Subject to change


Heinrich Eggersmann
Futtermittelwerke GmbH
Bruchweg 11
32699 Extertal


Tel: 0 57 51 / 1 79 3-0
Fax: 0 57 51 / 1 79 3-19
E-Mail: info@eggersmann.info

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