Chopped peanuts are the ideal bird feed for all seasons.

In fall and winter, the chopped peanuts provide the birds with the energy they need to survive the cold months. In spring and summer, they help hawfinches and mixed feeders in particular to breed and rear their young. This protein-rich feed is a delicacy for all native garden and wild birds. It can be offered at feeding silos, bowls or bird feeders and the birds will always be happy to come back to your garden so you can watch the birds at your leisure. It is important that the peanuts are absolutely fresh and not roasted, because only then are they digestible and the birds like them best, so that they are eaten nut by nut.

Peanuts100,0 %
nyers-fehérje30,20 %
Nyers-zsiradék49,40 %
nyers-rost11,40 %
Subject to change


Heinrich Eggersmann
Futtermittelwerke GmbH
Bruchweg 11
32699 Extertal


Tel: 0 57 51 / 1 79 3-0
Fax: 0 57 51 / 1 79 3-19

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