Ergänzungsfuttermittel für Pferde

Our Vitalize Low Carb Plus is perfect for all horses that need to be fed in a way that is appropriate to the species and close to nature. Since it is grain-free, it is also ideal for horses suffering from metabolic problems. The cereal was enhanced with the addition of AO-Ferm™ to specifically support fibre digestion and improve nutrient absorption.

Vitalize Low Carb Plus is enriched with highly digestible crude fibre, the metabolism is relieved by the low sugar and starch content, the intestinal flora is optimally promoted by the crude fibre content. The energy that is usually obtained from cereals has been replaced here by fatty sunflower seeds and rice husk bran. In addition, high-protein alfalfa is added to supply the body with essential amino acids that also support the muscular system.
The addition of AO-Ferm™, a fermentation product of the Aspergillus oryzae fungus, has a prebiotic effect and can increase the digestibility of crude fibre and starch. The nutrients ingested in the feed can be better absorbed and used by the body. As a prebiotic, AO-Ferm™ is the food for living microorganisms in the horse's digestive tract. The growth and the multiplication of the good microbes in the intestine can be stimulated and an optimally utilised digestion of the nutrients can thus be guaranteed.
The natural composition and the addition of AO-Ferm™ can ensure an increased quality of life for your horse. The digestive system is relieved in a targeted manner and its function is strengthened. The muesli is enhanced and refined by cold-pressed milk thistle oil and the optimum ratio of minerals, vitamins and trace elements.

The benefits at a glance:

  • grain-free, reduced sugar and starch
  • ideal for feeding in the case of metabolic disorders, can be used as single crib feed
  • with the prebiotic AO-Ferm™ for optimised nutrient absorption and more effective digestibility
  • the high level of structure promotes mastication and the production of saliva and improves the gastrointestinal environment
  • with high-quality vegetable fatty acids and high-protein alfalfa

g/kg emészthető fehérje: 90,5 g/kg preceacal digestible protein (pcvRp): 83,6 g/kg MJ/kg emészthető energia: 9,3 MJ DE/kg Metabolizable energy (MJ ME): 7,9 MJ ME/kg

Lucerna zöldliszt41,8 %
Rice husk bran11,6 %
Gyümölcs(alma)törköly száritva11,2 %
Buzakorpa7,0 %
Lucerna széna (száritva)6,1 %
Linseed meal4,0 %
Napraforgó kivonat3,9 %
Lignocellulóz2,5 %
Napraforgó mag2,3 %
Szentjánoskenyér zúzott2,0 %
cukorrépamelasz1,8 %
Sárgarépa szárítva1,7 %
kalcium-karbonát1,5 %
Dried beet pulp (molassed)1,5 %
Máriatövis olaj/ Bogáncsolaj1,4 %
Petrezselyem0,6 %
hőkezelt szójadara0,4 %
rozmaring0,3 %
csalánlevél0,2 %
koriander0,2 %
borsmenta0,2 %
bazsalikom0,2 %
articsóka0,1 %
pitypang0,1 %
Fokhagyma0,1 %
Product from Aspergillus oryzae, high in protein0,1 %
Galagonya levél0,1 %
Milk thistle herb0,1 %
Ginko levelek0,1 %
nyers-fehérje13,00 %
Nyers-zsiradék5,70 %
nyers-rost21,1 %
nyers-hamu9,90 %
kálcium1,80 %
foszfor0,45 %
nátrium0,25 %
magnézium0,22 %
keményítő2,60 %
cukor6,00 %
A vitamin NA8.300 I.E.
D3 vitamin NA800 I.E.
E vitamin NA200,00 mg
C vitamin NA41,00 mg
B1 vitamin NA8,00 mg
B2 vitamin (3a825i) NA8,00 mg
B6 vitamin NA8,00 mg
Nikotin sav NA20,00 mg
Kálcium-panthotenat NA16,00 mg
Biotin NA260,00 mcg
Folsav NA3,00 mg
cholinclorid NA100,00 mg
Vas NA85,00 mg
Mangán NA70,00 mg
Cink NA120,00 mg
Réz NA20,00 mg
Szelén (3b801) NA0,35 mg
Jód NA0,85 mg
Propionic acid (1k280)335,00 mg
Propionsäure aus Natriumpropionat (1k281) TA324,00 mg
Propionsäure aus Calciumpropionat (1a282) TA984,00 mg

NA = tápértékkel rendelkező adalékanyagok
ZA = állattenyésztés-technológiai adalékanyagok
TA = technológiai adalékanyagok
SA = érzékszervi adalékanyagok
Subject to change


Heinrich Eggersmann
Futtermittelwerke GmbH
Bruchweg 11
32699 Extertal


Tel: 0 57 51 / 1 79 3-0
Fax: 0 57 51 / 1 79 3-19

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