Ergänzungsfuttermittel für Pferde

Our new Vitalize Sport Plus Muesli is an ideal hard food for horses with increasingly higher and high levels of work. It is very tasty and balanced due to selected ingredients and is also easy to digest thanks to the addition of AO-Ferm™.

Vitalize Sport Plus is a high-energy special muesli that is specially adapted to the increased energy and nutritional requirements of sport horses in training and at competitions. The increased level of essential amino acids lysine and methionine provides optimum support for powerful muscles, facilitates muscle development and muscle regeneration. The addition of hydrothermally treated grain and milk thistle oil provides the organism with easily digestible, quickly accessible energy. An adapted mix of vitamins, trace elements and minerals ensures ideal metabolism support and a high level of vitality in times of extensive strain.
The addition of AO-Ferm™, a fermentation product of the Aspergillus oryzae fungus, has a prebiotic effect and can increase the digestibility of crude fibre and starch. The nutrients ingested in the feed can be better absorbed and used by the body. As a prebiotic, AO-Ferm™ is the food for living microorganisms in the horse's digestive tract. The growth and the multiplication of the good microbes in the intestine can be stimulated and an optimally utilised digestion of the nutrients can thus be guaranteed. Vitalize Sport Plus is our muesli for your competition horse.

The benefits at a glance:

  • for high-performance horses
  • rapid energy and nutrient supply
  • with the prebiotic AO-Ferm™ for optimised nutrient absorption & more effective digestibility
  • with the essential amino acids lysine & methionine to support strong muscles
  • highly digestible thanks to AO-Ferm™ & expanded, hydrothermally treated grains
  • rich in omega-3 fatty acids

g/kg emészthető fehérje: 93,7 g/kg preceacal digestible protein (pcvRp): 75,9 g/kg MJ/kg emészthető energia: 12,8 MJ DE/kg Metabolizable energy (MJ ME): 11,8 MJ ME/kg

Árpa (pelyhesítve)32,9 %
kukorica (pelyhesített)27,0 %
Buzakorpa8,9 %
szójadara-kivonat4,2 %
cukorrépamelasz4,1 %
Máriatövis olaj/ Bogáncsolaj4,0 %
Kukorica (expandált)4,0 %
Zabkorpa3,0 %
Dried beet pulp (molassed)2,7 %
Linseed meal2,0 %
Napraforgó kivonat2,0 %
kalcium-karbonát1,7 %
Lucerna zöldliszt1,5 %
dikalcium-foszfát0,6 %
Kukorica0,4 %
hőkezelt szójadara0,3 %
Árpa0,2 %
magnézium-oxid0,1 %
Product from Aspergillus oryzae, high in protein0,1 %
nyers-fehérje11,80 %
Nyers-zsiradék6,50 %
nyers-rost5,70 %
nyers-hamu6,00 %
kálcium1,00 %
foszfor0,50 %
nátrium0,15 %
magnézium0,20 %
keményítő38,50 %
cukor4,40 %
A vitamin NA12.000 I.E.
D3 vitamin NA1.200,00 I.E.
E vitamin NA350,00 mg
C vitamin NA48,00 mg
B1 vitamin NA2,00 mg
B2 vitamin (3a825i) NA3,00 mg
B6 vitamin NA2,00 mg
Nikotin sav NA24,00 mg
Kálcium-panthotenat NA16,00 mg
Biotin NA480,00 mcg
Folsav NA2,40 mg
cholinclorid NA80,00 mg
Vas NA25,00 mg
Mangán NA40,00 mg
Cink NA65,00 mg
Réz NA10,00 mg
Szelén (3b801) NA0,20 mg
Jód NA0,50 mg
kovaföld TA250,00 mg
Propionic acid (1k280)335,00 mg
Propionsäure aus Natriumpropionat (1k281) TA324,00 mg
Propionsäure aus Calciumpropionat (1a282) TA531,00 mg

NA = tápértékkel rendelkező adalékanyagok
ZA = állattenyésztés-technológiai adalékanyagok
TA = technológiai adalékanyagok
SA = érzékszervi adalékanyagok
Subject to change


Heinrich Eggersmann
Futtermittelwerke GmbH
Bruchweg 11
32699 Extertal


Tel: 0 57 51 / 1 79 3-0
Fax: 0 57 51 / 1 79 3-19

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